The conversation; encouraging healthy sexual relationships of young people post trauma

‘…not every young person’s experience of sex has been positive. Our goal is to support young people reach a positive sexual sense of self despite past trauma.’ Engaging with young people who have experienced trauma around the topic of sexual health poses unique and sometimes complex challenges. An experience of trauma can lead to poorer […]
Advocate for yourself and others

As a foster carer, kinship carer, adoptive parent or worker in the out-of-home care sector, there will be many occasions which will require you to advocate for the child or young person in your care, for yourself, your family and others. This course looks at: What is advocacy. The need for advocacy. The types of […]
Anxiety disorders in children and young people

Being a worker or carer presents many benefits and some challenges. One of the challenges can be managing anxiety. This course has been designed to build knowledge and understanding of children and young people who experience anxiety. This course explores the underlying causes of anxiety including loss and grief to give you a better understanding […]
Caring for a child or young person from a culturally and linguistic diverse (CALD) background

You may find yourself caring for a child or young person with a culture that differs from your own. The phrase Culturally and Linguistic Diverse Background (CALD) is used to describe the ethnic groups from different cultural backgrounds to the dominant Australian culture. This course was developed to raise awareness of the importance of maintaining […]
Caring for a child who has experienced sexual abuse

Did you know that between 20% to 40% of girls and 10% to 15% of boys experience sexual abuse by the age of 16 years-old? This course was developed to increase your understanding on how sexual abuse can impact on children and young people’s lives and to provide strategies for caring for a child or […]
Life story work

This is a short course aimed to promote, protect, and nurture each child and young person’s individual life story. Every person has a life story. No two stories will ever be the same, but everyone is unique and worth capturing. This course will cover: What is a life story? The importance of life story work for […]
Relative and kin care

Thank you for becoming a carer for a child or young person in your extended family, or a child or young person well known to you. When children are removed from their family, they need to be in an environment which supports an appropriate sense of belonging to their family. Kin carers provide that important […]
Substance use in pregnancy

As a carer you may find yourself caring for a baby or child whose mother used substances during pregnancy. This course aims to provide you with a broader knowledge on the effects of substance abuse on a newborn baby. The group of mothers and families who fit in to this group make up only a […]
Introduction to attachment and bonding

Attachment and bonding is a significant theory as it not only relates to children in care but all human beings. If we understand our own attachment style, we can make positive changes and become more secure. Therefore, better able to become a child’s secure base to feel confident, safe, and protected. This course explores: Different […]
Managing challenging behaviours

This course explores challenging behaviours of children and young people in care. Children and young people in care often come from families where day to day routines is chaotic, parents lack general parenting skills, have little understanding of child development and often use inappropriate discipline, when they do discipline. These children and young people may […]