Positive restorations

This course explores how carers can support positive change in children’s lives through restorations and transitions. This course explores: Understanding why children are restored to their parent/s. Explore how a decision is made to restore a child to their parent/s. The skills and knowledge parents need to demonstrate to have their children restored. Factors that […]
Transitions: A new beginning

We all experience transition and change during our lives. Life events such as finishing school; changing jobs; marriage; divorce; death of a parent; children moving out of home etc are just a few changes that you may experience. Some people are more affected by these transitional periods than others. For some, change brings overwhelming feelings, […]
Child protection

Child protection is a significant course for all foster carers regardless of the age or stage of children and young people in your care. All children need care and protection and therefore there is legislation to protect their rights and wellbeing. While some parents relinquish care of their children or are medically unable to care […]
Building resilience

Resilience is what gives us the psychological strength to cope with stress and hardship. It is the mental strength that we call on in times of need to carry us through without falling apart and enables us to bounce back. Dealing with change or loss is an inevitable part of life. At some point, everyone […]
The impact of domestic/family violence on children and young people

This course explores: The types of domestic/family violence. Understanding the impact of witnessing domestic violence on children and young people. Understanding the impact of domestic violence in the Australian child protection system. Identify the best ways of supporting children who have witnessed domestic violence. The high rate of substantiated emotional abuse of children and young […]
The impact of trauma on brain development

Understanding how trauma effects brain development is a fundamental part of effectively caring for children and young people in care. The first part of this course looks at normal brain development and its functions. The second part covers how the brain is impacted by early trauma. This course explores how the brain develops during pregnancy; […]
Suicide awareness and prevention of children and young people

In 2018, 3043 people died by suicide. That is double the road toll and equals 8.3 deaths by suicide each day. You can make a profound difference to a young persons life who may be having suicidal thoughts. This course aims to raise awareness and prevention of suicide. Course content includes: Defining suicide. Why young […]
Family time with significant others

Family time is a significant part of the lives of children who cannot live with their parents. This course explores the importance of bonding and attachment, maintaining relationships with significant others and promoting a child or young person’s understanding of their identity. The dynamics of contact are explained with barriers and issues explored. This course […]
Caring for a grieving child or young person

As a carer it is likely you will be caring for a child or young person who has experienced grief and loss. The purpose of this course is to develop your existing skills and add a few more tools to your toolbox. This course covers the fundamental aspects of caring for a grieving child or […]
An Introduction to Aboriginal Culture

This course introduces Aboriginal Culture including: Defining culture. Legal definitions of Aboriginal peoples. Who are Aboriginal peoples? Confirmation of Aboriginality. Aboriginal population in Australia. Examples of Aboriginal culture.